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Pendant, my new adventure, the making of a pendant on the lathe, using an offset.

 This glue up was made by my son Maurier Merchant for some dug-outs, I believe. So I thought I would start with it, because of the wood that was used. Zebrawood and Rosewood. It only measures 1-1/4" in dia. The are placed at random. 1/4" drill bit.
Here is a view as it is mounted on a small chuck. Due to the size, (small) the offset was not quite what I was looking for.

Mounting in off set hole.

.A  good shot before offset.

My first attempt at offset hole.

Here is one that I added a small bit of Turquoise.

Tiger Caspi.Drilling with 1/16" bit

Art My Mind LikesThis piece measures about 2-1/4"
They are listed in order of completion, you can see my progression. All in about 5 hours give or take, mostly give.


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