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Meeting Bill Tonneson and his art in Phoenix at his private party to showcase his latest project.

I will start by saying that I had the most interesting evening, last night, meeting and hanging out with Bill Tonneson and some impressive support group of his friends. ( thanks to my friend Chris Hester). Well  the man is first a tall man, and his wife has a great accent. I believe he has three almost full grown kids, that he clearly adores. Some of the people that was aware, but didn't directly meet were, Mr. & Mrs Kitchell, The mayor of Phoenix, the ex-mayor of Phoenix. A couple that where pointed out to me from the Hayden family. I did get mingle with, and pass business cards, to first young designer, living in the neighborhood, a fellow black american, architect and real estate developer, and three other architects, wow what networking success. Below I will share a few pictures from this evening pass.
Mr. Kitchel & Bill Tonneson

 Giving a brief seminar on vision of urban gentrification, and a brief discussion on commercial financing
Bills art

Bills idea of simple form

 This is his office at the new site om 12th stand Highland. Do Google it, it si very interesting. His art will also be inactive with public, he has set up a camera to run 24/7, with a phone, so he or one his staff can call who ever picks it up and etheir give pre-recorded messages or a live person will be there to poke fun at the innocent person whom picked up the phone. Sounds like fun, can't wait to see the clips on facebook.


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