Green turning, and my experiment.
Willow Acacia, vessel. This is an experimental workings.
I started with green wood. cut about 6 weeks ago,
maybe longer. stored out in the desert, mostly just through the winter....
I started turning while wet. I turned it thin as could muster. The base was
a little thick, and as I set it in a room to dry, it cracked, and the to top
warped, which I liked. This is a very learning piece. As you can see, I
remounted, and watched the wobble, I added the base because I was able
to remount it. The cracks, were filled with turquoise and copper flakes. I
added a little vine like design. I will post better pics along with the
finishing process. Oh I am trying something different in the finishing. I
mix shellac, alcohol, danish oil, and a little walnut oil. I will not a
walnut again, takes too long to dry. The shellac is to form a harder
surface, the danish oil is for penetration, and the alcohol is to help thin
the solution and help in dispelling the water in the wood. Well this my
theory. I also have a larger log on the big lathe and I have started this
process early. By sealing the turning as I go....
google+ link video link videochant
I will be showing this one at the American Association of Woodturners. in one week June 13,14 & 15th. Come join me.
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