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Commercial work again, back in the field.

I am here to share just some notes on the work, I have been doing lately, this is the work that pays all the bills. We started a project for Troxell a couple weeks ago. Commercial, plastic laminate cabinets. This is a ast pace build, and one of the fastest jobs we have ever done. We are under the gun and I am enjoying myself.  Last week I went to the site to install upper cabinets, at 36" tall, I install around 25 units in about 4 hours, flying thru. I must say that these cabinets were not delivered with the doors in place, and in fact they aren't even made yet, we have 3 more days. Today we delivered the base cabinets and separate toe kicks. all nine rooms were installed in again record time, and then back to the shop, where Marshall (my stepson) and I started the counter tops. We purchased blanks, and we cut them applied finished ends and routed the draw bolts in. Completed all but 3 rooms, which will be completed in the morning.
 Today's work was most exciting, I was having fun, with a little perspiration we completed all that we had, minus the reception area and island cabinetry.  This project is our ideal size for profitability.
     The process I use is; I have a cabinet lift and third hand, that allows me to install without any other man power. I also incorporate a laser, to create a near perfect leveling, along with a few experienced techniques for finding studs, and securing cabinets to wall, I AM UNBEATABLE....
    We are also working on a small commercial build for Line Gas, due Thursday. We are also still working on the house with distressed cabinetry,  we need to complete the closet shelving, too finish that project. Then we go right into building a custom build for Micheal Pollack, Pollack Investments, this one should also prove profitable. Oh yeah I started a small condo today, having the prebuilt    cabinets delivered, waiting on them to complete the walls, so we can install. I have a former employee and friend to help on the install here. All this work is being preformed by myself, Marshall, Mathew Izerarry, my nephew and a little help from my son, Maurier Merchant. I'll try to add pictures in the forth coming days....
     I just want to add that my energy has improved, and you might ask what has changed. Well all I can say is it is about time. We were about to throw in the towel. Maybe it is brought forth from the changing on the alignment of the planets, the changing of the year to time of the goat. I'm not sure, but I am certainly happy with the change.

 Here is a look at me, scribing counter tops today.
I Use a small electric door planer. This much better than any sander, !st its a lot quicker. 2nd the cost of the blade are less costly, because you are not replacing them as you would sand paper on a belt sander. So go give it try.... Oh did you notice the jig saw, 1st I cut from the bottom side to prevent chippage on the top. 2nd, it's a bosh, which I prefer over festool or any other, and yes I have a festool jigsaw.  I think it runs smoother than any other.


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