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Mesquite burl hollow vessel, using vacuum chuck for the first time.

Mesquite Burl hollow vessel  and it's life.Here is a general synopsis of hollow vessel work from the beginning to the end, almost end.

More pewter fill
Starting pewter fill

The base is glued and mortised in place
Can you image the difficulty in melting metal?

See Mortise and tenon
The reason I added mounting blank and pored pewter 
Now I can begin the fill

The view
Blocked view

Malikite, Pewter, Ironite and more...

The unfinished view 

I rigged my first attempt at vacuum chucking. Shrink wrap to cover leakage 
I use parts from a new Hold Fast system I never could get to work
Replaced the shrink wrap with scotch tape over one beetle hole. Vacuum gauge at 15-18 and holding.

 Here the is vacuum motor, on it's first run. It was recommended by to turning sites, here's one.
I had to dial it down, and it held all three pieces.

Some of the crystals used shine through the reddish resin.


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