Day 8

I lost track for a couple day. We had a show in Wickenburg AZ.. The temperature was in the low 80's. This bowl, that I suppose to be babying for the best condition for non-cracking. oh well the the hills with that. I had this bowl out in the heat for two days ( in the shaded area of the tent). Look what happen. For almost three days I forgot it, due to a commercial job, locked away in a plastic storage box, along with other pieces we had for sale. Moisture dropped by 7%

Here is the view of the bottom, after I added more shellac/alcohol mixture. While I was at the show, so far so good.

Here is the latest view of the interior with what looks like the same crack as we started with.

Well look here the weight has also decreased
Day 3.
Held with vacuum chuck. |
I looked at the bottom and decided it was way too thick. I turn the inside, after remounted it in the chuck, and fond it still to be pretty true. A surprise...
This is the first time I have weighed a piece to see what the difference is as it dry's.

here is the bottom completed, and with my solution of 3 parts alcohol and 1 part shellac.

Can you see the small crack. It was here from the beginning. The trick will be to not have it grow any further.
Today's reading's . Man it was wet, a watery substance collected on the tools, as if a mud dauber was making a nest. No ribbons in turn the end grain.n Just mud dauber spit, and piles of wet, cold chilly powder, saw dust.... Update too follow. Oh no cracks yet...1st day.

Willow Acaia has a real tendency of cracking, while drying.

This piece was just small enough to fit over the banjo.

I needed to remove some bark, after centering it were I wanted it.
Here is the grain pattern. Looks great. Now I have sealed it.

Here is the hollowing.

Nothing to do, but wait and see, if cracking will accrue. What do you thing is going to happen????
So stay tuned for further developments...
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