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Preparation of my creative process to reach a path of manifestation, a new branch.

Preparation of my creative process to reach a path of manifestation, a new branch, from an old seed.
Where do I start? I guess from the first relocation I can muster. From the time of my early 20's. I had a dream, a plan that when I reached an age some where in my mid 50's, my old man stage. Well here I am.
I had a vision that would start to develop my skills as a sculptor.  At this age, in my 20's I was drawing a lot, and one of my favorite sketches was that of women torso's. I then had the idea that wouldn't it be just great if I would to carve a woman's torso from purple heart. Well I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I first decided that while I would love to see this torso manifest into reality from purple heart, this wood is very hard, and the difficulty is very high. well I I have not ruled it out. I needed a place to begin, so I have been collecting female nude photos, to form a copulation of different size's and position to form a plan of attack. I have not started to draw yet. Some how I find it difficult to locate the many sketch books I know I have.
The idea is to sketch and form the basis for the wood form. I want to create a from in movement, with full breast of course hanging from gravitational pull, while portion of arm and legs are in the motion, representing running or something close (crawling, yoga pose) to that. Please have patience, for this may take some time... to be continued...  I am excited, it's a great feeling to be excited again....


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