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Art my mind sees and my hands bring forth.

As I share a bit of whom I might be, through art my mind sees and my hand brings forth. I only reflect a process without many rules, reality not yet witnessed. What is, and has driven me, is a force beyond my control, an energy, manifested heretofore and hereafter my mortal flesh.
A glow dimmed by storm clouds directed not by untold path, a beginning and, an end, "I must create". Much is the way of love, a binding force that shapes your ever presence with and without your guiding hand. Love hurts so good, Expressed through despair, loneliness, prosperity and joy. Through the laughter of tears, "I MUST CREATE". In this short expression of whom I might be and what I may SEE AS ME, through the ever changing growth of my heart and sole, I look forward to all that maybe, the only legacy of a presence, once my time is no more. In this writing I may find a hint of the who, you see, that leads me down this wonderfully expressive journey so I might share, be recognized, to have a life of purpose for those who wish to share and witness, and be, if I'm lucky, inspired by the little space I have occupied in this short time. " Lets not forget, compensation is not without it's own reward". I am here with love ones, in my reality, and those yet to know my name. All give me strength, courage and patience to be Gerard Maurier Merchant.

Thank you for allowing me to share The Mind of a black Woodworker living for now in Arizona.


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